"Pomagajcie sobie nawzajem w praktyczny sposób, kiedy pojawia się potrzeba, co jest minimalnym wymogiem miłości."
"Tender to one another in all convenient outward things, for that is the least love."
George Fox, założyciel Towarzystwa Przyjaciół (Kwakrów)
George Fox, founder of Society Friends (Quakers)
We apologize for our possible mistakes, but English is not our native language,
therefore we ask for your understanding ...
- Persons damaged by Justice, State and Local Authorities.
- People deprived with no fault of their own work, business, housing and property.
- Lonely poor mothers taking care about their children.
- Lonely poor fathers taking care about their children.
- Fathers deprived of the possibility of contact with their childen.
- Prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families.
- People suffering from chronic depression.
We invite you to contact us ...
Send us a letter:
Fundacja Towarzystwo Przyjaciół (Society of Friends Foundation)
UP Toruń nr 1, PO Box 48, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
Send us an e-mail:
E-mail for correspondence in Polish:
Our website:
Our register data:
KRS: 0000396051 (Court Register Number)
Regon: 341167196 (Statistic Number)
NIP: 9562296921 (Tax Identity Number)
If You want to know more about Society of Friends (Quakers), their history, what they do, in what they believe or if you want to know more about meetings of Society of Friends (Quakers) in Poland, please visit the website which we support:
If You want to know more about meetings of Society of Friends (Quakers) in Toruń, please visit the website which we support: